Why ISLAM stands as the Ultimate Truth
There are about 2.3 Billion Christians,2.0 Billion Muslims, 1.1 Billion Hindus, 500 Million Buddhists, and 15 Million Jews in the world. And there are about 4300 religions like these. People ask this question after seeing the report. They wonder which religion we should follow. Most importantly, they ask why only Islam out of all these?
How do we know Islam is the right Religion? And what is the proof it is the correct one? There is an interesting technique developed by Philosopher Descartes: CARTESIAN SKEPTICISM
To summarize, he says imagine that you have a basket full of apples. You put your hand in the basket and pull out a good apple. When you put your hand again, you get a rotten apple this time. Do not continue to take the apples out one by one to throw the rotten ones away. Don’t bother checking which one is good and which one is rotten. Instead, empty the whole basket and keep the good apples in it.
Now, Can we take a look at 4300 religions one by one? That’s a long process!
Then, let’s look at the clues in the universe using reason and logic. Let’s determine the conditions that should exist in a true religion through the following-
let’s take an example to understand it better. When constructing a building, first the foundation must be laid. There are stages to go through, for this issue, we need to make stage-by-stage eliminations. Beginning from the foundation. Therefore, our filter will be these:
- Is there a God?
- Is there a need for Religion
- Is there a Holy Book and Prophet?
let’s prove this via science. According to Physics if some work has been done, then there must be a force in the place which can perform the work.
Whatever I see as a doer of an Act, Must have enough power for that work
For example, If I saw a baby pulling a plane. I would immediately look for another doer of the act since the baby would never be able to do that work. I’d either believe that there is a mechanical system that moves the plane etc. Even if my eyes see that it’s the baby pulling the plane, my mind will intervene right away. It would say, “The baby does not have enough power to pull the plane.” I would start looking for the actual capable doer behind the baby.
Prove via Logic and Reasoning
When we look at the Universe, we see the cow as the producer of milk. The Cow doesn’t know the amino acids in the milk it makes. It also doesn’t know the needs of the people’s bodies who will drink it. But it produces exactly the milk that they need. Moreover, it produces it by consuming something that seems the most irrelevant i.e. the Grass.
The tree is the doer of the work of making juicy, sweet, colorful fruits from dry, tasteless, dark soil. But the seed of the tree doesn’t know the taste the people like nor does it know how will it smell to others.
These doers who are performing the work don’t have the necessary skills for these works. Something is giving someone else, that they don’t have. This proves the point that It is the truth that God Exists.
Our user Manual
If there is a work, a product, in front of us, the person who made it knows it best. For Example, if I buy an iPhone, it’s obvious that the company will provide me with the product manual. Simple products have manuals. When there are user manuals even in simple works is it possible that the creator of the Universe, who created Mankind and sent them to the world did not send the user manual to guide them?
This makes us ask this question- The Religion must be based on a Guide Book or a Manual.
With this filter, we eliminate religions like Shinotoism, Pantheism, and Nihilism.
Who is the Teacher?
In every field, there is theoretical knowledge and practical application of it. Hence, it is also necessary to see and learn how they are used and applied. For example, In Animal Kingdom: The Beehive, where a colony lives as a community and serves a common purpose. The queen bee is appointed as the leader of the society. The Same is the case in other hierarchies of animals. In Humanity, the most valuable living beings are far beyond ants and bees. Allah has created hundreds of flavors for man’s tiny tongue. Is it possible for Him to leave humanity wandering without a purpose? Is it possible for Him not to guide them by sending a messenger?
We’ve eliminated religions such as Hinduism, Caodaism, and The Druze Faith which do not believe in any Prophet.
We started with 4300 religions and applied the above-mentioned criteria to eliminate them. Now, we’re only left with 3 religions.
- Christianity
- Islam
- Judaism

In Judaism, the main figure is Moses while in Christianity the main figure is Jesus. Although the teachings of these two great Prophets are now corrupted in these two religions. What they initially brought was the truth. The common feature of these two religions is that they both don’t accept Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)as a true Messenger. But Islam preaches that the Prophet(pbuh) is the final messenger of Allah and that Jesus and Moses were also messengers of him.
A True Prophet
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) lived among His people for 40 years before his Prophethood. For 23 years in His Prophetic life, he has been at the forefront among the same people again. And every one of his moves was being watched. He was the most Superior and most Moral of the people.
Say, ˹O believers,˺ “We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us; and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them. And to Allah, we all submit.”
[2:136] Surah Baqarah
During His Prophetic Life, those around him, thousands of people have observed every aspect of him one by one. They examined him in such detail that there is no other man in the History who has been examined in such depth. He lived among believers and non-believers since his birth, grew into a trustworthy person and was even named “Al-Ameen” – the one who never tell lies. Even though people who became His enemies after Prophethood still entrusted their belongings to Him. The only thing they came up with as a flaw is to slander Him by calling him a wizard, a magician, and nothing more.
Islam’s belief in Christianity is strongly set in what the Quran and the Hadith teach us (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad). Islam, as a religion, has a welcoming attitude towards Christianity as an eminent faith of Abraham. Moreover, it finds many wavering features in it such as one God (Allah) belief, and respect for holy figures like Jesus (the Arabic form of his name is ISA).
Nevertheless, the two religions have fundamentally opposite views on various religious doctrines. Both religions share the same common aspects regarding belief, yet are divided by people, time, and perspectives. The basic issue that differentiates both religions are mentioned below:
Jesus (ISA in Islam)
In Islam, Jesus is regarded as one of the most significant prophets, but he is not seen as divine. Muslims believe that Jesus was miraculously born to the Virgin Mary (Maryam) and performed miracles with God’s permission. The Quran explicitly denies the divinity of Jesus, stating that he was a human servant of God, not the Son of God as Christians believe. Additionally, the Quran refutes the crucifixion, claiming that Jesus was not crucified but was instead raised by God (Quran 4:157-158).
The Trinity
A major distinction between Islam and Christianity is the concept of the Trinity. Islam firmly rejects the idea of God being triune (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). The Quran emphasizes that God is one (Tawhid) and cannot be divided into persons (Quran 112:1-4). For Muslims, associating partners with God (shirk) is considered the most serious sin.
The Bible and the Quran
Muslims believe that the Bible, especially the Gospels, contains some of God’s revelations but has been altered over time. The Quran is viewed as God’s final and unaltered revelation to humanity, delivered through the Prophet Muhammad. While many stories and figures from the Bible are referenced in the Quran, Islamic narratives may differ in details and interpretations. However, both the Bible and the Quran are indeed the books of God. But, the fact that people misinterpret the Bible according to their likes. It has two parts i.e. New Testament and the Old Testament which opposes the uniqueness of God’s book. The original Bible wasn’t even revealed to the people. The Original book contained verses that reflected the fact there Is only One God, and Jesus(Isa) is not the son of God rather he is a messenger who preaches and guides the way to the straight path. He was taken above to the Lord the same day he was crucified. It confirms that he is still alive, and not dead though he is now with God. When the day of judgment comes, he will approach the believers to rescue them from the fitnah of Dajjal ( False Messiah).

Salvation and the Afterlife
Islam teaches that salvation is attained through belief in one God and righteous actions, which include submitting to God’s will and adhering to the guidance of the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. Islam also asserts that the Day of Judgment is when individuals will be held accountable for their deeds, and those who follow the path laid out by God will be judged accordingly.