Since the Early times when Mankind came into Existence, Humans have strived to live a better life. It’s an intrinsic feature in living beings to accommodate a healthier and better life.

This innate desire to thrive and flourish stems from the very essence of our being. In an era dominated by fast-paced lifestyles and fleeting trends., the wisdom of timeless tradition offers us a guiding light. Among these, the prophetic way of living and Eating stands out as a profound source of holistic health and well-being. Rooted in Mindfulness, Moderation, and gratitude, these teachings nurture the body and elevate the soul, presenting a harmonious blueprint for a life of purpose and fulfillment. As a Muslim, Our Prophet should be our Role Model in every aspect of life. Indeed, He was the best Man on the Earth.

Prophet Muhammad’s Advice to Live Purposefully

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, while there is good in both. “ (Sahih Muslim). This highlights the importance of maintaining physical strength and overall health as a means of Worship and service to Allah. Healthy Living is not just about surviving but thriving in a way that allows you to fulfill your responsibilities and goals with energy and focus.

Prophet’s advice about Food

One of the key principles of prophetic living is Moderation in Eating. The Prophet (peace be upon him) advises: ” The son of Adam does not fill a vessel worse than his stomach. It is enough for him to eat a few bites to keep his back straight. But if he must (fill it), one-third for air.” (Tirmidhi). This Timeless advice cures many modern health problems that result from overeating and lack of Balance in our diets.

Another profound Sunnah is starting the day with nutritious meals like dates and water. The Prophet (peace be upon him) regularly consumes dates, calling them a ” blessed fruit” and advising their use, especially to break the fast. Since, Science has confirmed their rich nutritional value, being an excellent source of energy, fiber, and essential minerals.

side view of sweet dried date fruits in a saucer

The prophet’s guidance also extended to Mindful Eating. He encouraged sitting down to eat and drinking water in small sips rather than large gulps. This not only aids digestion but also reminds us to be present and grateful for every blessing. He would always begin meals by saying “Bismillah”(In the name of Allah) and conclude with “Alhumdulillah” (All praise is due to Allah), cultivating gratitude and mindfulness.

Fasting, too, is a cornerstone of prophetic health practices. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Fast and you will get healthy.” (Ibn Majah). Beyond its spiritual rewards, fasting offers physical benefits like detoxification, improved metabolism, and better mental clarity, making it a powerful tool for overall well-being.

Prophet’s view on Lifestyle

In addition to food, the Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasizes Cleanliness and hygiene in his lifestyle, highlighting their importance for good health. He said: “Cleanliness is half of faith”(Sahih Muslim). Simple Practices like washing hands before meals, brushing teeth regularly with miswak, and maintaining personal hygiene were all part of his daily routine, long before they became common health guidelines.

Incorporating these Prophetic habits into our daily lives strengthens our health and deepens our connection with Allah. It reminds us that every act, even something as simple as eating and drinking, can be transformed into worship with the right intention and mindfulness.

Living better through the prophetic way is not just about individual well-being; it’s about creating a life where physical health, spiritual growth, and gratitude all come together to bring lasting peace and happiness. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Indeed, Allah loves when any of you does something, you do it with excellence.” (Sunan al-Bayhaqi). What better way to achieve excellence than by following his example in caring for our health and lives?

Prophet Muhammad led a simple and balanced lifestyle, including his eating habits. His diet primarily consisted of Natural and wholesome foods available during his time. Here’s a glimpse of what he used to eat in a day:

Dates and Water

  • Dates were a staple in the Prophet’s diet. He often began his day with them to break his fast during Ramadan. He said, ” A house in which there are no dates, its people are hungry.” (Sahih Muslim)
  • Water was his primary drink, and he advised drinking it in small sips while sitting. Drinking water prophetically not only has health benefits but also heals us spiritually.

Barley Bread

  • The Prophet (peace be upon him) ate barley bread, which was unrefined and full of nutrients. Sometimes, he would dip the bread in vinegar, which he described as a good condiment.


Fresh Milk from Camels, goats, or cows was a part of his diet. He considered it a nourishing drink and above all, a blessing from Allah.


  • Honey was highly valued by the Prophet (peace be upon him) for its healing properties. He said, “Honey is a remedy for every illness.” (Bukhari). He would sometimes mix it with water for a refreshing drink.

Olive Oil

The Prophet said, “Eat olive oil and anoint yourselves with it, for it is from a blessed tree.” (Tirmidhi). Olive oil was used as a dressing for food or dip for bread. The Prophet SAW (peace be upon him) also recommended eating food cooked in Olive oil.

Meat (occasionally)

Meat was not a daily item in the Prophet’s diet. It was consumed occasionally during special events or feasts. He preferred lamb or goat meat but advised moderation, saying, “Do not indulge in meat, for it has an addiction like the addiction of wine.” (Malik’s Muwatta).
In Sunan Ibn Majah, there is a narration from Abu Darda that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, The finest food for the people of this world and the Hereafter is meat.” In another narration from Buraidah, he said, “The best condiment in this world and the Hereafter is meat.”

Fruits and Vegetables

The Prophet (peace be upon him) enjoyed various fruits, such as pomegranates, grapes, melons, and cucumbers. He often paired cucumbers with dates to balance the heat and coolness of the food. Prophet’s diet consisted of a variety of other foods.

Dates, figs, grapes, milk, honey, olive oil, vinegar, watermelon, barley, pumpkin, squash, and any other available vegetables were part of his regular consumption.


He loved pumpkin and would eat it when available, often mentioning its benefits. He demonstrates the importance of a balanced diet that includes a diverse range of fruits, vegetables, and other natural foods.

As mentioned in a hadith: “A tailor invited the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) to a meal which he had prepared and Anas went along with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). Barley bread and soup containing pumpkin and dried sliced meat was cooked. Anas said: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) going after the pumpkin around the dish, so I have always liked pumpkins since that day.” (Abu Dawud). 


He praised vinegar, calling it the best side dish and often eating it with bread.
Umm Saad said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) entered upon ‘Aishah, when I was with her, and said: Is there any food?’ She said: ‘We have bread, dates, and vinegar.’ The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: ‘What a blessed condiment vinegar is‘. O Allah, bless vinegar, for it was the condiment of the Prophets before me, and no house will ever be poor in which there is vinegar.’

Tharid (Thareed)

A lamb and vegetable stew, spiced with cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, and other various spices served over bread.
Tharid is said to be Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) favorite dish. It is mentioned in a Hadith: “And the superiority of A’ishah [his wife] to other women is like the superiority of tharid to other kinds of food” (Sahih Al Bukhari). It is also said that tharid was a dish made by the Quraysh (a tribe in which Prophet Muhammad was born).

Lentils and Grains

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also consumed lentils and other grains, which were easy to prepare and nutritious.

General Habits

He ate in moderation and often expressed gratitude for even the simplest meal, ate while sitting on the floor, and preferred to use three fingers when eating solid food.

He also advised not to criticize food, saying, “I do not eat that” if he didn’t like something, but he never spoke badly about food. (Bukhari).

The Prophet’s (peace be upon him) diet was not just about nourishment but also about living in harmony with nature, being grateful, and avoiding extravagance. His eating habits are a timeless model of simplicity and balance.