We all struggle to live a perfectly well-balanced life. In his machine-laid world, we find ourselves conflicting with ourselves to choose better life options. As usual, we tend to perform futile tasks that don’t provide us with anything purposeful. The main reason behind selecting these unworthy acts is our conscience. Absolutely! It’s within us what we choose to do with ourselves. Acts performed without being mindful are equal to unconsciousness. Before accomplishing certain objectives, our brain automatically tells us the outcome of achieving it, how we’ll perceive the task while doing it, and how much time will it take.

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What is a Sunnah?

The sayings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad, which are also known as Hadith are called Sunnah.

It includes everything he said, did, and approved of. We know the Sunnah from the statements called Hadiths that have been handed down from the Companions of the Prophet.

Islamic Law is taken from the Qur’an and Sunnah. The Sunnah in this sense both explains the Qur’an, and also gives additional rules and guidance. The Qur’an in many places tells us to obey the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and thus it is wrong—as some deviant sects claim—that the Qur’an is sufficient and that we do not need the Sunnah.

According to Islamic jurists, the Sunnah is second to fard. It means something is obligatory and it must be done; to neglect it without any excuse is a sin. The Sunnah is divided into confirmed (Sunnah mu’akkadah) and optional (Sunnah ghair mu’akkadah).