Uncover the Truth: why do Muslim Women wear Hijab?
Hijab is an Arabic word that means covering. You might know it simply as a “headscarf.” More specifically, it is the practice of a Muslim woman covering her hair and body. There are a few anomalies, such as the face and hands. The burqa and niqab differ from the hijab. They refer to covering styles extended to the entire body, including the face.
Reasons why she covers herself
Muslim women cover their hair because Allah has commanded them to do so. It is not permitted for them to go against what He says. They should not disobey His orders. Allah has only commanded them to do this because there is great wisdom in it.
Part of that wisdom is that it protects a woman’s honour from the “nasty humans.” These individuals are looking for easy prey to attack. A morsel cannot be eaten unless it is prepared and ready. That is what we see in those women who make a display of themselves. By their appearance, they are calling those people to come and take whatever they want!
Hair makes her more attractive to men, which could lead to them forming hopes about her and committing immoral actions.
Islam wants society to be neat and clean. It prohibits the provocation of desires and the uncovering of women’s charms, such as their hair and body. This prevention is crucial as it prevents others from being tempted by her, protecting society from evil.
We need to remember again that Islam means submission to Allah. The believer follows the command of Allah even if he does not know the wisdom behind it. He not find anything to convince his reason for it. His obedience of his Lord and his submission to His command take priority over all other things. Worship is based on obedience and submission.
We ask Allah to show us the truth. May He help us to follow it. Also, may He show us falsehood and help us to avoid it.
Abu Hurairah said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said two types of the people of Hell exist. I have not seen them. One is a people with whips like the tails of cattle, with which they beat the people. The other includes women who are clothed but naked. They walk with an enticing gait and have their heads looking like the humps of camels, leaning to one side. They will not enter Heaven. They will not even smell its fragrance. Its fragrance can be detected from such and such a distance.” (Sahih Muslim).
A woman [or a man] should not try to reason out Islamic rulings. Her reason is unable to encompass the wisdom of Shari’ah. She should know that whatever Allah has enjoined upon her contains nothing but goodness and happiness for her. It is beneficial for her family and society as a whole.